Cryptocurrency Security Standard Compliance Services (CCSS)

Cryptocurrency Security Standard Compliance ( CCSS ), Hack, Risk, Compliance, Hacker, 计算器,信息安全,网络安全,网络安全法,黑客,渗透测试,隐私,iso27001,风险管理, 计算机安全,互联网安全,网络安全,信息安全, PIA, GDPR, Risk Assessment, hacker typer, IT Consulting, data privacy, SOX, Data protection, information security, 网络安全工程师,网络安全教育,隐私保护,风险控制,风险分析,风险评估报告,风险识别,安全审计,安全评估,隐私权, 信息技术安全审计,信息安全审计,电子计算器,渗透测试,ISO/IEC 27001,ISO27001, network security, cyber security, IT audit, ISO/IEC 27001, IT security, Penetration test, IT consulting, 信息安全专业,信息安全管理,隐私法,信息安全审计,黑客入侵,资讯安全管理系统,信息系统安全认证专家,注册信息系统审计师资格,通用数据保护条例,注册信息系统审计师资格,信息安全审计,隐私权,信息隐私,隐私权政策, Sraa, Pen test, external audit, 网络安全论文,渗透测试工具,信息安全技术,网络安全知识,信息安全审计,网络安全教程,隐私条款,隐私网, 信息安全应急预案,信息安全解决方案,信息安全论文,网络安全工程师认证,Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, Security assessment, Privacy Impact Assessment, 隐私权政策,国际信息系统安全认证联盟, IT Security Assessment And Audit, Compliance, Data Security,ISO 27001 Audit, GDPR Audit, Penetration Test, Cyber Security, Risk assessment, Data Protection, Data Privacy, SOX, CISA, CISSP, CISM

What are the CCSS Aspects and Requirements?

CCSS provides a list of requirements that must be implemented to become CCSS compliant. The requirements focus directly on the people, process, and technology components of information systems which make use of cryptocurrencies.

CCSS is an open standard designed to augment standard information security practices and to complement existing standards (ISO 27001, PCI DSS, etc.) in order to protect cryptocurrency information against unauthorized data access, sensitive data loss, and data breaches.

CCSS is currently the go-to security standard for any organization that handles and manages crypto wallets as part of its business logic.

CCSS Compliance Levels

CCSS provides three levels of compliance:

Level 1 CCSS Compliance

Level 1 covers the baseline level requirements provided by CCSS and should be considered the absolute minimum-security controls to implement to meet the requirements objective.

When reviewing recent breaches of crypto-related services one can see that even implementing security controls for Level 1 CCSS compliance many attacks would have failed or have dramatically reduced the impact of a breach.

For example, with Aspect 1.03 Key Storage at Level 1 the basics of key storage are addressed in order to protect key data at-rest. How many times have we read in media reports that a major hack resulted in the theft of the private key(s) of a cryptocurrency wallet because they were stored in plain text? 

Below are the CCSS Level 1 requirements for protecting key data at rest. Cryptographic keys and/or seeds must be stored with the use of strong encryption when not in use. A backup of the cryptographic key/seed must exist. The backup can take any form (e.g., paper, digital). The backup must be protected against environmental risks such as fire, flood, and other acts of God. The backup must be protected by access controls that prevent unauthorized parties from accessing it.

Level 2 CCSS Compliance

Level 2 offers a higher level of CCSS compliance by adding further rigor to each of the applicable security controls.

Considering Aspect 1.03 Key Storage at CCSS Level 2, further rigor is required by requiring a backup of each production key required to spend funds (requirement and physical security controls such as physical separation of keys (requirement and use of tamper-evident seals for physical copies of key data (requirement

Level 3 CCSS Compliance

CCSS Level 3 adds even more rigor to the security controls. Aspect 1.03 Key Storage at Level 3 requires backups of keys must be encrypted at-rest with strong encryption at least equal to the encryption strength used for production keys (requirement and “Backups are resistant to electromagnetic pulses” – requirement

What is a CryptoCurrency Security Standard Auditor (CCSSA)?

A CryptoCurrency Security Standard Auditor is an expert in the CCSS. CCSSAs are able to apply the CCSS standard to any information system that uses cryptocurrencies, calculating a grade for the system according to the CCSS.

CCSSAs must avoid any potential conflict of interest. This may include current or previous employment, familial relationships, financial interest (such as tokens or equity held), or any other matters that may constitute a conflict of interest.

What are the Benefits of CCSS?

Your data will be secure. This means that your customers can confidently transact with you and your reputation in the market will be good too. Data breaches could cost companies millions every year.

CryptoCurrency Security Standard(CCSS)

Hack, Risk, Compliance, Hacker, 计算器,信息安全,网络安全,网络安全法,黑客,渗透测试,隐私,iso27001,风险管理, 计算机安全,互联网安全,网络安全,信息安全, PIA, GDPR, Risk Assessment, hacker typer, IT Consulting, data privacy, SOX, Data protection, information security, 网络安全工程师,网络安全教育,隐私保护,风险控制,风险分析,风险评估报告,风险识别,安全审计,安全评估,隐私权, 信息技术安全审计,信息安全审计,电子计算器,渗透测试,ISO/IEC 27001,ISO27001, network security, cyber security, IT audit, ISO/IEC 27001, IT security, Penetration test, IT consulting, 信息安全专业,信息安全管理,隐私法,信息安全审计,黑客入侵,资讯安全管理系统,信息系统安全认证专家,注册信息系统审计师资格,通用数据保护条例,注册信息系统审计师资格,信息安全审计,隐私权,信息隐私,隐私权政策, Sraa, Pen test, external audit, 网络安全论文,渗透测试工具,信息安全技术,网络安全知识,信息安全审计,网络安全教程,隐私条款,隐私网, 信息安全应急预案,信息安全解决方案,信息安全论文,网络安全工程师认证,Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, Security assessment, Privacy Impact Assessment, 隐私权政策,国际信息系统安全认证联盟, IT Security Assessment And Audit, Compliance, Data Security,ISO 27001 Audit, GDPR Audit, Penetration Test, Cyber Security, Risk assessment, Data Protection, Data Privacy, SOX, CISA, CISSP, CISM
CCSS Compliance
Data Security
Security Of Data (CCSS)
Penetration Testing
Penetration Testing (CCSS)
Vulnerability Scanning
Vulnerability Scans (CCSS)

We also offer CCSS consulting and audit services to help businesses comply with the industrial international standard.

Find Us immediately for the Security Assessment in Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Europe, Estonia, Singapore…




Case Reference:

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